Elements for landscaping

Paving blocks and sidewalk tiles

Paving blocks and sidewalk tiles are produced using “Hess” press made in Germany.

Sidewalk tiles and blocks are used for pavement of sidewalks, car parks, pedestrian and bicycle paths, and areas surrounding structure walls.

The blocks can be used for staircases and supporting plates.

Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
GT 1-62401206034.73.90400156011.13
GT 1-82401208034.75.2032016448.92
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
GT 5-520010050502.30540124210.8
GT 6-620010060502.80540151210.8
GT 10-820010080503.7343216118.64
GT 12-83001008033.35.7628816608.64
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
aplinkos-tvarkymo elementai10
aplinkos-tvarkymo elementai11
aplinkos-tvarkymo elementai12
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
GT 7-62002006025.06.00300180012
GT 5-62002006025.06.00300180012
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
GT urico kompl.2401606015.639.22180166011.52
GT urico kompl.1601606015.639.22180166011.52
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
GT klasika kompl.1721156030.32.75320146810.56
GT klasika kompl.1151156030.31.84320146810.56
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
GT execk-62002006026.75.65300169511.24
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
GT rombas-6190/3301906029.44.5025011508.5
Mark (type)Dimensions, mmNo. of pcs. 1 m2Item weight, kgQty of pcs. in packagePackage weight, kgPackage m2
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
ŠP 2-63003006011.1112.60120151210.8
ŠP 4-6375375607.1119.406011048.44
ŠP 3-6400400606.2521.606012549.6
ŠP 5-650050060435.0040140010

Roadside and lawn curbstones

The purpose of GB curbstones is separation of the roadway from the sidewalk or lawn.

Mark (type)Dimensions, mmQty of pcs. in packageItem weight, kgFig. No.
Length (L)Breadth (B)Height (H)
JB 1-20 lawn kerbing10008020036381
GB 3-30-4 road kerbing1000150300121002
GB 4100015022012753

Concrete elements for landscaping

  1. Only natural materials are used in the production of concrete elements for landscaping. All raw materials used in our company are certified. German inorganic pigments are used in production of colored products. The elements for landscaping are produced from one layer using vibropressing process.
  2. Available colors of blocks and tiles are gray, red, brown, yellow, black etc. The top part of the item can not show any visible defects,  eg. cracking or spalling. Discolorations of items can be influenced by the irregularities of raw material shades and different hardening
    conditions. According to the Lithuanian standards in force, shade differences are not considered significant. The color and texture of the items are not adjusted to regulatory specifications.
  3. White spots on surface
    Due to various factors white spots may appear on concrete items.
    Lime efflorescence can occur when the hardening of the cement results in the release of “free” lime that dissolves in the water contained in the mixture or being exposed to the rain during storage. Lime appearing on the surface of items reacts with airborne carbon dioxide and turns into insoluble calcium carbonate. White spots gradually disappear under the influence of environmental factors.
    The resulting white spots can be removed with REBAnit-S or CRETEX-100 liquid cleaners. Stain cleaners are to be used strictly according to the instructions. At the end of the procedure, the items should be washed with plenty of water. Lime efflorescence has no effect to the quality of elements for landscaping and can not be the cause for claiming. This feature is permissible according to the standards in force: LST EN 1338; LST EN 1339; LST EN 1340.
    There is a trend in Lithuania to strengthen the requirements applied to the surface of elements for landscaping. However, an extremely smooth surface impairs the strength, abrasive wear, durability of the items. When the top layer has a coarser aggregate, it gets rougher and improves the performance of the product.